The project list:
1. Photo Cubes
Pick Your Plum had a deal on sets of 9 - 1.5 inch wood cubes. I've been wanting to make photo cubes for a few years now, but every year that project doesn't make it to fruition, so I couldn't pass up these sets. I've completed two sets and third set is under way. There are 6 sides to each cube and for these three sets I decided that for three of the sides, the 9 blocks would create one picture and the for them remaining three sides, I would put single pictures (as pictured in the top photo).
2. Candle Holders

I saw this picture on Instructables. Iamkeebler had printed photos on transparent labels and wrapped it around a square votive. So this inspired me to print color photos on transparency paper and mod podge it to cylindrical votives.
3. Washi tape binder clips
For work gifts, I wanted to find a project that was simple and cheap. I haven't played around with washi tape yet and I thought it would be nice to decorate the boring black binder clips with washi or decorative tape and if I run out of the tape, I can use paper. I've done a couple of test runs and plan on sealing them with Mod Podge.
4. Paper covered pencils, pens, and erasers
For Nana Bear's classmates, I thought of covering pencils with decorative paper, possibly washi paper. On the drawing board, it's a simple project, but of course, when done in bulk, who's to say how simple it will be.
5. Mini Canvases
Discount School Supply sells Mini Canvases with Easels, 6 for ~$15.00 Nana Bear loves to paint, so I thought this would be a great project for her. Dare Bear hates to be left out, so I'm sure he'll do his share of painting as well. These will be great for the grandparents and the great-grandparents.
6. Melted Beads
I saw this on One Pretty Thing a couple of weeks ago. The Artful Parent was melting pony beads and making mobiles and sun catchers with them. The kids loved helping me make the sand art candles, so I thought this would be a great project to do with them. Instead of mobiles or sun catchers, these will be ornaments and I can use the cookie cutters I bought to make the x-mas candles from the last year or two (each year's projects seem to be blurring together). I do have some concerns about the fumes from the melting plastic, so these is a maybe project. A strong maybe. I like the possibility of doing it outside on the grill, but we'll see.
My Pinterest Project board has many other projects I'd like to try, but this crafter has only so many crafting hours before Christmas, so we'll see if these list grows and contracts. I really hope to finish all the projects on this year's list as most years I get overly excited and over estimate my ability (and under estimate the time needed to finish each project). I am hoping by starting a little earlier I will get through each project. Crossing my fingers I stay sane this year.
Happy crafting!
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Clare's Room's Under the Christmas Tree

Yes my pinterest Christmas board is getting fuller every day . Thanks so much for linking up and playing along .